Professional Development Committee Timeline

January/FebruarySolicit testimonials from volunteers to be shared at conference – develop a one-pager to highlight benefits of volunteering, testimonials from members of what NDASFAA does for them  
Early MarchPrepare Committee report to be presented at state conference in spring
Late March/Early April• Committee meeting and report to NDASFAA at annual conference
• Provide Committee report and timeline to be updated on the NDASFAA website
• Encourage members to consider involvement in RMASFAA’s Summer Institute
MaySurvey Association regarding desire for fall training workshop (if needed) 
JuneBegin planning fall training workshop
-survey association re: topics for training
-request trainers, subject matter experts for fall training
-determine virtual/in-person/hybrid, secure site or resources as necessary
JulyWork on tasks assigned to Professional Development Committee in SLRP
-Review committee structure and duties defined in the bylaws, update as necessary. Determine chairpersons, chair-elects, and members, update on website
September/October• Encourage members to attend RMASFAA
• Create method of sharing information from RMASFAA for attendees to share with those who did not attend
• Fall training workshop
OctoberRMASFAA conference information shared with NDASFAA members 
NovemberDevelop mentorship program if time/interest allows
-match newcomers to financial aid with veterans
-match aspiring directors with current directors